Broadway Streetscape Project

November 9, 2022

The contractor is working on street markings that needed to be updated after the sidewalk project along the full length of the project limits. Concrete is being poured at locations on Cedar Hill Ave and First Ave on Broadway. The Village is working with engineers and A-Tech to finish up the project this week. Work on the First Avenue drainage will take place in Spring 2023.

October 26, 2022

Concrete sidewalks were poured yesterday between Burd St and Main St. Some finishing work remains in this area, scoring the sidewalk and signage. The contractor is now focused on the east corners of N. Broadway at High Ave and First Avenue. This work is expected to be completed in the next couple of days. Additionally, the bump out at Cedar Hill and South Broadway is in the process of being rebuilt. Work on the Broadway sidewalk project is expected to finish up in the next two weeks. 

October 21, 2022

Contractor is finishing work on N. Broadway - scoring sidewalks and prepping the last corner on the west side of N. Broadway at High Ave. 

Work continues on S. Broadway between Burd St and Main St. 

The SE corner of First Ave and North Broadway and the NE corner of High Ave and North Broadway will be rebuilt to ADA compliant standards. This will be the last section of sidewalk work on N. Broadway, work is expected to start next week. 

October 18, 2022

Sidewalks are being poured today on N. Broadway between Main Street and New Street. Demolition continues on S. Broadway between Main Street and Burd Street. Shops are open and the construction crews are helping to provide access to shops and residences. 

October 14, 2022

The contractor is working to secure concrete delivery for next week. We will have an update by Monday, Oct. 17, 2022. Problems at the concrete plant are completely out of the control of the Village, however, we are working closely with our contractor to resolve the issue expeditiously. Excavation is expected to resume on Monday, 10/17/22 on S. Broadway between Burd Street and Main Street. 

October 12, 2022

Another update today as of 2:30pm. The concrete plant is experiencing mechanical difficulties and at this time is delaying concrete until Monday, October 17, 2022. Apologies for the inconvenience. Work will continue on the South Broadway block between Main Street and Burd Street (west side). 

October 12, 2022

Concrete delivery scheduled for today (N. Broadway) has been delayed. So, to keep the contractor working and on-site, demolition has begun on South Broadway between Main St and Burd St. We apologize for the unexpected change of plans today. Concrete requires a DOT inspection before it leaves the plant and unfortunately, DOT was not available, thus holding up the progress. We are expecting concrete to be poured on Friday, October 14, 2022. Rain delays are expected for tomorrow, Thursday, October 13, 2022. 

October 11, 2022

  1. Work continues on N. Broadway between Main Street and New Street, also the corners on N. Broadway from New Street to High Ave are being done, but not the full sidewalk in this area. 
  2. The contractor does not expect to start the block (west side) between Burd Street to Main Street until next week (week of October 17, 2022). 

October 5, 2022

Tentative schedule is as follows:  Thursday 10/6/22: Continue with demo and formwork at Vault (bookstore). Place curbs at Main Street to New Street - NW corner New Street, SW corner First Avenue.
Friday 10/7/22: Continue formwork at Vault (Pickwick Books). Place concrete at Vault (bookstore) – possible late day pour if formwork is complete. Place sidewalk at Main Street to New Street, NW corner New Street, SW corner First Ave.  Place pavement (in front of curbs) at Main to New, NW corner New Street and SW corner of First Avenue.

October 3, 2022

A-Tech has moved to the west side of North Broadway and is currently working between Main St and High Ave. Additionally, there is some structural vault work happening on South Broadway in front of the Pickwick Book Store. Similar to work on South Broadway earlier in the year, many of Nyack's sidewalks have "vaults" underneath. These "vaults" were previously used for cold storage and coal - way back when! So, these "vaults" need to be structurally reinforced to support the new sidewalks. The curbs and sidewalks are expected to be completed this week on the west side on N. Broadway from Main St to High Ave. On the block between New St and High Ave (Chase Bank area) only the corners will be rebuilt. This project is on schedule to be fully completed this fall. 

September 27, 2022

A-Tech is currently pouring sidewalks and finishing up work on the east side of the N. Broadway, between Main Street and Lydecker and some curbs on the same side of the street. Asphalt will also be filled in on Wednesday, so that all fencing can be removed and sidewalks fully accessible. Work moves to the opposite side of the street tomorrow, Wednesday, September 28, 2022 between Main Street and New Street. 

September 15, 2022

A-Tech contractors will be back in the village on Monday. Work will resume in front of the RCC location at the corner of N. Broadway and Main St.

On Tuesday, September 20, 2022: Crews will be painting crosswalks and parking lines between Hudson and Depew and at 5th Ave crosswalks on Tuesday, September 20. Parking will be prohibited on both sides of Broadway during this work process, which is not expected to take long. 

September 13, 2022

Work will resume on Monday, September 19, 2022. Construction was delayed due to design changes and contractor availability during the week of September 12 -16, 2022. 

September 1, 2022

Work continues on N. Broadway. There will be no work on Monday, September 5, 2022 for the Labor Day Holiday. Work will resume on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. The week of September 6, 2022 - corners are expected to be complete at High Ave and First Ave. The sidewalk in front of the RCC building is waiting on a delivery of a specific material to resume the work. 

August 30, 2022

Work continues on N. Broadway. On Thursday, September 1, 2022 work will begin at the Southeast corner of Broadway and High Ave and the Northeast corner of Broadway & First Ave. This two areas will be getting new ADA accessible corners and not a full sidewalk job.

August 26, 2022
Work is progressing on the east side of Broadway between Main St and Lydecker St. Village Hall remains open, please use the side door on Lydecker for access. Concrete is expected to be poured in this area today. Week of August 29, 2022: The northeast corner of Lydecker St. will be demolished and prepped for a new ADA accessible corner. Work in front of Village Hall and RCC building will continue. 

August 20, 2022

Work will  continue on the east side of Broadway next week (starting August 22, 2022) between Main Street and Lydecker St. Parking will be restricted on both sides of the street in the work zone so that two-way traffic can be maintained.

August 16, 2022

Work is progressing on South Broadway between Burd Street and Main Street on the EAST side of the street. Corners have been removed and curb formation is taking place as well as the demolition of the sidewalk. The contractor is helping provide access where needed and will leave the stores, restaurants, and residences fully accessible at the end of each work day. Concrete is expected for curbs and the "buffer area" between the curb and the ADA compliant sidewalk "walkway" by the end of the week. The weather is cooperating and the project is on schedule for this block. 

August 10, 2022

On Thursday, August 11th, 2022, surveyors for the new sidewalk between Burd Street and Main Street will be on site. This will require parking restrictions on both sides of the street. As soon as they surveyors complete their work, the parking spaces will be reopened. Construction is expected to start on Monday, August 15th, 2022 on the EAST side of the street. Parking will be restricted on both sides during construction to maintain traffic flow and safety.  Each block is expected to take approximately1.5 weeks, weather dependent. 

August 5, 2022 -  Outreach Letter 


First, thank you for your cooperation and patience as this important pedestrian safety project moves forward! The work on South Broadway and up at 5th Ave is essentially complete. The next two construction projects will start Monday 8/8/22 at First Ave and Monday, 8/15/22 at Burd St.

  1. High Ave to First Ave old gas line removal by O&R to make way for new drainage system to cure the puddling problems at First Ave. O&R will dig test pits next week and start pipe removal as early as Friday, August 12. This project will require closure of parking spaces on both sides of the block during construction hours (7 AM to 5 PM). The project will limit traffic to a single lane and use flaggers to let vehicles through. The project does not impact sidewalks or doorways. A roll-off container will be parked on First Ave, along with some heavy equipment. 
  2. Burd St to Main St sidewalk project. Survey work will take place next week, and construction will probably begin on August 15, 2022, starting with the East side of the street working from Burd to Main. Upon completion of the east side, the work will switch to the West side of the street and progress south from Main to Burd. Parking will be prohibited on both sides of the street during construction hours. Two-way traffic will be maintained. This is important since Broadway will be pretty jammed up due to the gas line removal a few blocks away. If you have observed the work on South Broadway you will be somewhat familiar with the process:
    1. Access to doorways is maintained via wooden ramps over construction zones and sidewalks are kept passable wherever possible using wooden walkways as needed. 
    2. The work process has the following steps:
  1. Saw cut asphalt where needed for curb removal
  2. Remove old curb, form and pour new curb, backfill trench in road with gravel and concrete.
  3. Remove old sidewalk in sections
  4. Form and pour new sidewalk, starting at face of building, then doing “buffer” area near curb.
  5. Asphalt along gutter side of new curb
  6. Cut grooves in sidewalk where needed (near corners)

Weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting, each side of the block will take about 1.5 weeks  to complete. Sometimes delays occur because of delays in materials, such as cement deliveries, for example.

 Click this link to sign up for project emails: sign-up form:

 We will provide frequent updates via email and via posting on the Village sidewalk project webpage - and on Facebook.

 We very much appreciate phone calls and emails with any questions or concerns as they often help us to improve project coordination and better meet the needs of our stakeholders. The office phone is 845-358-3581 and the email is For urgent matters feel free to text me at 845-401-1636. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we move this important streetscape improvement forward to completion in the coming months.  

August 1, 2022

Demolition and construction will be starting on the northwest and northeast corners of Depew Ave and South Broadway on Monday, August 1, 2022. These corners will be made ADA compliant, work is expect to last one week. Additionally, the streetscape project will be working in the area of 5th Avenue and North Broadway starting, August 1, 2022. Construction of new ADA compliant crosswalks is expected to last one week. This redesigned crossing at 5th Avenue improves pedestrian safety and does not include any bump-outs or median islands.

Any concerns? Please contract Village Administrator, Andy Stewart at 845-358-3581.



July 26, 2022

A-Tech plans to spend the rest of this week in the base bid area cleaning up, placing topsoil, hauling out excavated material, etc. They plan to resume sidewalk work on Monday, working at both Depew Avenue at S. Broadway and 5th Ave crosswalk. . A-Tech plans to be done with Base Bid area (Cedar Hill To Depew Ave) and 5th Ave curb/sidewalks by the end of next week (8/5).

July 19, 2022

Wednesday, July 20: Pour concrete for gutter in Hudson to Depew block; excavate sidewalk and create gravel surface for new cement to be poured. Thursday and Friday: Pour cement for sidewalk, including section on SW corner of Hudson and Broadway. Next week: tear out and replace NE and NW sidewalk corners at Depew Ave/Broadway intersection to achieve ADA compliance. If time and weather permit, move to 5th Ave/Broadway to build ADA ramps and crosswalk. After 5th Ave work, the next big step will be to build the drainage system linking the corner of First Ave/Broadway to the catch basin on High Ave.

July 15, 2022

Monday, July 17, 2022: Pour remaining curb on S. Broadway between Depew Ave and Hudson Ave. Demolition and preparation of sidewalks for concrete between Depew Ave and Hudson Ave. Sidewalk in front of the library will remain closed for the weekend due to safety concerns. The "Base Bid" area of Depew Ave to Cedar Hill Ave will be completed by the end of the week, with exceptions for landscaping and a redesign of the corner of Cedar Hill Ave on the NW corner. 

July 12, 2022

Update per A-Tech: 

7/12:     Pour remainder of sidewalk Strawberry Place to Hudson Ave (buffer area will be completed 7/13). Pour curb at gas station (south access is 22’ wide, north access is 18’ wide).

7/13:     Saw cutting along curb Hudson Ave to Depew Ave. Demo curb Hudson Ave to Depew Ave (pedestrian and vehicle access maintained at Post Office and Real Estate office). Pour remainder of buffer area from Strawberry Place to Hudson Ave.                Pour remainder of sidewalk at gas station.

July 8, 2022:

Concrete was poured today, ending just past the travel agency. A temporary sidewalk is in place for the weekend. Next week work continues and the contractor expects to fully complete the area from Cedar Hill Ave to Hudson Ave. The bump our at Cedar Hill and S. Broadway will also be redesigned and reconstructed. 

July 7, 2022: Concrete was poured today, ending just before Strawberry Place. Unfortunately, new vaults were discovered in the area of Strawberry Place, delaying the concrete pour. Updated information will be posted when available. 

July 1, 2022: Concrete curbs poured today between Hudson Ave and the gas station on the west side of S. Broadway. Next week demo will occur on the sidewalks starting on Tuesday, July 5, 2022. The contractor will provide daily updates next week. Concrete pours will be late in the week, possibly Thursday or Friday. Access will be maintained during construction. 

June 27, 2022 - A-Tech contractors will not be working today due to the storms expected this morning. Work resumes tomorrow, June 27,2022. 

June 24, 2022

For the week of June 27 - July 1, 2022 - A-Tech will be on site and begin demo and reconstruction from Hudson Ave to Cedar Hill Ave. The vault work is complete and this area is a high priority for completion - it is on schedule to be completed by the weekend of July 9, 2022.

June 16, 2022

For the week of June 20, 2022 - June 24, 2022 A-Tech contractors will not be in the Village. They are expected back in the Village the week of June 27, 2022. 

June 11, 2022

For the week of June 13 - June 17, 2022 A-Tech contractors plan to work only in the vaults at #76 & #78 South Broadway. No other work is planned for the week.

June 4, 2022

Work will continue in the vaults on the west side of the street between Hudson Ave and Cedar Hill Ave. Concrete for curbs and sidewalks is expected in the beginning of the week, weather permitting from Cedar Hill to the gas station property. Thank you for your continued cooperation and patience with the project. 


Work schedule has changed this week to include the saw cutting of the roadway from Hudson Ave to Cedar Hill Ave (west side). Curb and asphalt removal from Cedar Hill Ave to the gas station. Additionally, work in the vaults will continue. 

May 27, 2022: Asphalt repairs will be made to the roadway between Cedar Hill Ave and Hudson Ave today and concrete is also being poured which will complete the sidewalks from Maura's Kitchen to Cedar Hill Ave. 

No work on Monday, May 30, 2022 - Memorial Day Holiday
At this time (5.27.22 11:00am) there is no sidewalk work planned for next week 5/31/22 - 6/3/22
The contractor will be working in vaults next week on the west side of S. Broadway from Hudson Ave to Cedar Hill Ave.
Check the website for updates.

May 25, 2022

Work continues on the east side of South Broadway between Maura's Kitchen and Cedar Hill Ave. The walkway part of the sidewalk should be finished by Friday, 5/27/22. Due to limited availability of concrete, the "buffer" strip will be completed next week. Asphalt is scheduled to be patched in this week on the east side.

May 20, 2022

The curb is finished from Hudson Ave to Cedar Hill Ave. The concrete sidewalk has been removed from Maura's Kitchen to Cedar Hill Ave. New sidewalk is expected to be poured on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 , weather permitting. Asphalt repairs will be made during the week of May 23, 2022. The contract will finish the east side of the street and then will break until after the Memorial Day holiday. After May 31, 2022 work will start on the west side of the street heading north to Depew Ave.

May 16, 2022

5/16:     Finish excavation and prep for new sidewalk  Maura’s Kitchen to Hudson Ave. No concrete due to pending weather. Continue with work at Vault 66 (Business is closed 5/16 – 5/17)
5/17:     Pour sidewalk Maura’s Kitchen to Hudson Ave. Begin to remove asphalt in front of curb from Maura's Kitchen to Cedar Hill Ave. Continue with work at Vault 66; pour structural slab (Business is closed 5/16 – 5/17)
5/18:     Begin excavation Maura’s Kitchen to Cedar Hill Ave. Finish concrete pours Maura’s Kitchen to Hudson Ave.
5/19 – 5/20: Continue excavation and new curb installation Maura’s Kitchen to Cedar Hill Ave.

May 13, 2022

Work continues on South Broadway between Hudson Ave and Maura's Kitchen. New curbs have been formed and the sidewalk excavated. Concrete is expected to be poured on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. The work will progress in front of Maura's Kitchen south to Cedar Hill Ave next week. Vault work on the west side of the street will continue next week. 

May 6, 2022

Weather today is preventing the paving of the gutter in front of the library. This will be done next week.The sidewalk and parking will be accessible over the weekend, with safety cones to prevent accidents in the unpaved gutter.
  • Vault work at 73 S. Broadway has been completed, no further work there until the sidewalk gets poured.
  • Monday, 5/9, A-Tech will begin excavation of the curb from Hudson Avenue to Maura’s Restaurant.
  • Monday, 5/9, A-Tech will begin work on the vault in front of Pizza Bistro – owner has been notified. Access will be maintained to the businesses. 
  • Once curb is excavated, work can begin excavating sidewalk (takes about a week and a half) and then when that is complete moving on to pouring new sidewalk cement, and then paving the gutter line that was removed as part of the curb excavation.
  • The full process of the new sidewalk construction can take a couple of weeks, and can be impacted by weather and cement suppliers.
  • In the meantime, work will progress in the vaults on the west side of S. Broadway, one by one.
  • Village staff is meeting with contractors and inspectors daily for updates and conducts a full project review every other week.
  • Village staff is meeting with ACADA street fair organizers to fine-tune plans for accommodating vendors on Sunday, 5/15. 
  • This update is published on the village website. If you would like to be added to an email list to receive updates via email, please email Annmarie Tlsty
  • As always, we appreciate your patience and cooperation with this large project!

May 5, 2022

The concrete sidewalk between Depew Ave and Hudson Ave (east side) is scheduled for a concrete pour today. This will complete that first section of the project and sidewalks will be fully open by tomorrow in that area. The next phase of the project will occur between Hudson Ave and Maura's Restaurant - approximately half the block. Saw cutting will occur on Friday, May 6, 2022 for curb and sidewalk sections. Demolition of this area is scheduled to begin on Monday, May 9. 2022. Sidewalks are expected to be fully open for the weekend. There will be parking restrictions on the east side during the construction.  Thank you for your patience and cooperation!!

May 1, 2022

Work continues on South Broadway. Concrete sidewalk is expected to be poured on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 from Depew Ave to Hudson Ave. Updates will be posted daily.

April 26, 2022

CONSTRUCTION HAS BEGUN!!! Currently, the contractor is working on demolition of the sidewalk between Depew Ave and Hudson Ave on the east side of the road. There is work underway on a underground vault at 73 S. Broadway. This is necessary to rebuild a new sidewalk. There are a number of vaults under South Broadway that will need to be structurally reinforced before the sidewalk work can move forward.

Monday 4/26 - Staging equipment & saw cutting into pavement between Depew Ave & Hudson Ave.

Tuesday 4/27 - Demolition of curb in work zone

Wednesday 4/28 - Forms constructed for curbing

Thursday 4/29 -Continued demolition of sidewalks, work at 73 S. Broadway vault

Friday 4/30 - Demolition of sidewalks

Work is expected to last 1-2 weeks in this area. Check back for updates!

April 22, 2022

CONSTRUCTION WILL START ON MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2022!! The work on the vaults will be delayed a few days, so in an effort to get the project moving quickly through the area, the contractor will start work on Monday, April 25, 2022 on sidewalks and curbs. Thank you for your cooperation and patience with this project!!

Monday, April 25, 2022: Survey and mobilization will begin on South Broadway and Depew Ave. No parking restrictions necessary.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022: Demolition will begin  on the east side of the street - both corners on the east side of Depew Ave and South Broadway.  The contractor will maintain access to all properties during construction. Parking restrictions will be posted in advance. 

April 20, 2022

Updates to the start of sidewalk construction on South Broadway:  Construction work will begin at 73 S. Broadway on Monday, April 25, 2022. This work is to prepare the underground property (vaulted area) for the new sidewalk. The work consists of vault reinforcement and the vault will be accessed from inside the building. Once the vault is stabilized (2-5 working days) construction will then start on the sidewalks beginning at South Broadway and Depew Ave. The construction work will begin on the east side of the street - both corners on the east side of Depew Ave and South Broadway. The project will work south to Cedar Hill Ave and then circle back on the west side of the street. Each block is expected to take 1 -2 weeks.

Parking Authority will post any parking restrictions in the area in advance of the work.

The contractor will maintain access to all properties during construction. Updates will be posted frequently, please check back for more information.

April 14, 2022

Survey work will begin next week, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 in the South Broadway area. This work will have no impact on parking. Construction work is scheduled to begin the week of April 25, 2022. The work will begin at South Broadway and Depew Ave - on the east side of the street - both corners on the east side of Depew Ave and South Broadway. Parking Authority will post any parking restrictions in the area in advance of the work. The contractor will maintain access to all properties during construction.

March 28, 2022

The sidewalk reconstruction project will tentatively resume the week of April 18, 2022. The contractor will begin construction at the corner of Depew Ave, on the east side of South Broadway. The work will continue south until Cedar Hill Ave, and then resume on the west side of the street from Cedar Hill Ave heading north on S. Broadway to Depew Ave. A number of vaults have been identified and will need to be prepared for the sidewalk construction. The contractor may have a "vault" crew working separately from the sidewalk crews to prepare these vaults so that the project can move quickly through any vaulted areas. This work is located in the basement areas of specific buildings and will not impede the use of the sidewalks above the vaults. Additionally, the contractor will make every attempt to minimize the impact to parking. Any questions - please contact Village Administrator, Andy Stewart, at 845-358-3581.

February 10, 2022

The Village of Nyack will be holding a ZOOM workshop tonight – there is a link on the website – www/ The meeting starts at 6:30pm. The Engineers will be on the meeting to discuss changes in the project. Work is expected to resume by mid to late March 2022. Spring construction will start between Cedar Hill Avenue and Depew Ave. The contractor will be working one block at a time and will coordinate closely with businesses and residents to maintain access at all times.

Everyone is welcome to join the Zoom call this evening to hear more details. Questions and concerns welcomed.

If your building has a vault (cellar) underneath the sidewalk – please notify the Village Administrators office as soon as possible!!  Any questions, please contact: Jim Politi, Interim Village Administrator

February 1, 2022:

The Broadway Streetscape & Sidewalk project will be resuming construction in early spring 2022 on South Broadway between Cedar Hill Avenue and Depew Avenue. The contractor will be working closely with residents and businesses to maintain access at all times. A construction schedule will be available in the coming weeks. This information will be distributed by flyers and updated on the the village website, If your building has a basement stairwell from the sidewalk or a vault or storage area under the sidewalk, please reach out to the Village Administrator’s office as soon as possible.  A site visit by the engineers will need to be scheduled ASAP. 

November 22. 2021:

Sidewalk work has finished for the season. The contractor will be working closely with the engineers over the winter months to review all plans and prepare for Spring 2022 restart. 

Any questions, please contact the Village Administrator's office at 845-358-3581.

  • November 17, 2021: 
    Work resumes today on the North Broadway sidewalk between High Ave and First Ave today. DOT approved changes to reduce the slope of the sidewalk, yet maintain an ADA compliant sidewalk. Concrete will be poured on Thursday, November 18, 2021. No other sidewalk work will take place over the winter months. Work will resume as early in the spring as the weather allows. Thank you to all our residents at  Victoria Mews, who have been very patient and cooperative during this process.  

    November 12, 2021: 
    The median island on North Broadway has been removed at the discretion of the Village Board. A redesigned "bump-out" crosswalk will be constructed in this area in the Spring 2022. At this time we are waiting for DOT approval on the redesign of this area. Updates will be posted as they become available.  The sidewalk on N. Broadway between High Avenue and First Avenue is also being redesigned to address the slope, we expect to have construction resume the week of November 15, 2021. 
    Statement from the Mayor and Village Board: 
    Over the past few weeks we have been experiencing some inexcusable issues with the engineering firm and aspects related to the Broadway Streetscape Project.  We have been and will continue to pursue every option available to ensure these issues are remedied and that potential issues are identified and remediated before any future work proceeds. 
    This has been a frustrating process from the very beginning of this project. We still see the possibilities of a wonderful upgrade for Broadway.  Another in a series of upgrades that makes our village pedestrian friendly and safe.  More details on the Broadway Streetscape 

    October 29, 2021: Unfortunately the sidewalk project has hit a setback.  The partially constructed sidewalk along North Broadway between First Ave and High Ave will have to be demolished and rebuilt.  The original design was engineered to comply with DOT regulations for a five foot wide walkway, however, it resulted in an unacceptable slope past the walking path to the curb. We have ordered the contractors to stop work while the Village works with engineers and the DOT on a remedy.  The contractors will be back on site this week to rebuild the sidewalk. 

    Update on the median island on North Broadway:  The Village Board decided on October 28, 2021 to remove the median island. It will be replaced with "bump-outs" on the west and east side of the North Broadway in addition to a crosswalk. The contractor will be back on site beginning November 1, 2021 to demolish the island. Reconstruction of this area will be scheduled for Spring 2022. 

    October 22, 2021: Sidewalk demo and prep work continues on N. Broadway between High Ave and First Ave. The crosswalk on North Broadway between Fourth Ave and Fifth Ave is under review and work is expected to resume next week. The contractor expects to finish the current work zones this fall. The project is expected take approximately a year to complete. We will update the schedule and post progress reports weekly while the construction is active. Expect a full shut down for winter months. 

    October 15, 2021: 
     On Monday, October 18, 2021, construction will begin on the sidewalk reconstruction project on the block of N. Broadway between First Ave and High Ave. Here’s what to expect when construction starts: 

    • Tuesday, 10/18: Contractor will be on site staging for traffic and signage
    • Wednesday, 10/19: Demolition will begin on corners and curbs
    • Thursday, 10/21: Prep for Sidewalks & Ramps 
    • Friday, 10/22: Concrete Pour for Sidewalks and Ramps 
    • Parking will be restricted on the block between First Avenue and High Avenue – work is only on the west side of the street. However, parking will be restricted on the east side so that traffic flow can be maintained.  
    • The handicap spots will be relocated to the east side of the street on N. Broadway between First Ave and Second Ave 
    • Construction hours are Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm – work may not last the entire time, but it will occur between these hours only. Work is expected to last about a week at this location. 
    • Access to all entrances will be maintained during the project – except for when the concrete is poured – and we will give you as much notice as possible. 
    • Any questions, please contact the Village Administrator, James Slaughter at 845-358-3581 
    • The plans are available on the website under “Broadway Streetscape Project” or feel free to stop by Village Hall and ask to see the Village Administrator.  
    • The week of October 12, 2021
      Construction will move to North Broadway from First Ave to High Ave starting later in the week. Work will be on the WEST SIDE of the street only.  Work will move south on the west side of the street until Burd Street and then loop back on the east side of the road weather permitting. 

    This work consists of a reconstructed sidewalk to meet ADA compliance. The contractor will be working on one block at a time and work is expected to last about a week on each block. Access may be limited when the new concrete is poured. Advance notice will be given.  If your building has a vault (cellar) underneath the sidewalk – please notify the Village Administrators office as soon as possible!! 845-358-3581 or
    October 6, 2021
     The Broadway Streetscape Project has started.  Currently, the contractor is working on a crosswalk near the intersection of North Broadway and Fifth Avenue. 
    September 21, 2021
    Construction for the Nyack TAP: New Connectivities for Nyack Project is planned to begin the week of October 4, 2021. Work will begin at the north end of the project at North Broadway and Fifth Ave and progress south. In general, construction will be limited to one side of the street at a time, and for a length of no more than 3 blocks, to limit impacts to the traveling public. Parking restrictions will be posted in advance of the work. Pedestrian access will be maintained to the greatest extent practicable.
    The first stage of the work includes construction of a new island constructed in the center of North Broadway, between Fourth Ave and Fifth Ave. New ADA compliant sidewalks, ramps, and curbs will also be constructed at this location on both sides of North Broadway. Once the work is completed in the first work zone, the next area of construction will begin at First Avenue & Broadway, west side of the street and continue south until Burd Street. This first stage of the work is scheduled to be completed by mid November 2021, weather dependent. Once the work begins, the website will be updated on a daily basis with more details.  
    September 2, 2021
    The Broadway Streetscape project held it's pre-construction meeting with the DOT, Village staff, A-Tech Concrete and Hudson Valley Engineering on September 2, 2021. The contractor expects to begin work by the end of September of early October. Work will begin at the intersection of 5th Ave and North Broadway for an enhanced crosswalk. The next phase of construction will be between Burd Street and First Ave. More details will be posted as soon as available and the Village will hold a pre-construction meeting for all interested parties.  
    July 26, 2021
    The Broadway Streetscape project was awarded to A-Tech Concrete at a special meeting of the Village Board on Monday, July 19, 2021.  NYS DOT is currently reviewing the award. 
    June 4, 2021
    The Broadway Streetscape final project plans are out to bid and bids will be opened on July 2, 2021 at 11:30am at Village Hall.  
    May 4, 2021
    The Broadway Streetscape project plans are currently under review by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) for final approval to go out for re-bidding.  As noted below, the updated plans and specifications reflect the changes that were made to keep the project within the budgeted amount of the grant funding.  
    It is anticipated that the NYS DOT will give approval to re-bid the project in June of 2021.
    December 9, 2020
    The Village Board will discuss the Broadway Streetscape Project at the December 10, 2020, Work Session beginning at 7pm.  Please see the zoom access on the Village website  under meetings and agendas to join with any questions or concerns.  
    December 2020 Broadway Streetscape Project Update
    The Broadway Streetscape Improvement Project will be rebid in early 2021. The first round of bids received last spring were double the allotted budget.  McLaren Engineering, along with committee members and Village staff, worked to revise the original plans to fit the budget while still including streetscape and pedestrian safety improvements.
    How savings was achieved:
    • Sidewalks: New concrete sidewalks – and not exposed stone aggregate as in the original plan. All intersections with have ADA design from Cedar Hill Avenue to First Avenue.  Several sections of sidewalks which are in good condition and will not be replaced. 
    • Lighting: LED lighting will be installed using the current light pole fixtures and replacing the existing "cobra" lights with new luminaires. Using the existing light poles and improving the fixtures rather than installing new ornamental light poles will reduce the overall project cost by over $700,000.00                                
    • Crosswalks at bump out locations: will be painted with 8” wide white lines as required by DOT standards. Bump outs, which serve the dual purpose of improving pedestrian safety and create traffic calming, will be implemented at intersections based on the original design.
    • Landscaping and storm water mitigation: Selected tree pits and rain gardens will be included from the original design. However, final landscaping will be addressed separately. 
    • Budgeting:
      McLaren's construction estimate for this work is $2,171,000. This represents the total DOT + Village Funding Match for the construction of the project. The lowest of the three bids received last spring was just short of $5 million.  The Village Board rejected these bids and has approved rebidding of the project.

    • Next steps & anticipated time-line:
    • VB approval (Dec 2020)
    • DOT review and approval (Jan-Feb 2021)
    • RFP (March)
    • Received bids, award contract (April-May)
    • Ground breaking (June 2021)

    •  August 14, 2020

    The Village of Nyack will be seeking a second round of bids for its downtown Broadway Streetscape project. The Village Board of Trustees rejected all bids previously received at their Thursday, August 13th, 2020 meeting, as all proposals came in higher than the allocated local match and NYS Department of Transportation grant funding.
    A new RFP will be issued in the Fall 2020 with construction planned for the Summer of 2021 for improvements designed to enhance the appearance of North and South Broadway and South Franklin Street. The Village Board is also reviewing the possibility of implementing several pedestrian-focused sites of the plan that do not rely on state aid this fall.
     All bids for the Broadway Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) are currently under review by the Village of Nyack and McLaren Engineering.  Bids were opened on Jun 17, 2020 at 11:30 AM. 

     The Village of Nyack is undertaking a project to develop planned streetscape pedestrian, transit and bicycle pathway improvements along Broadway through the New York’s Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) for the reconstruction of sidewalks, pedestrian improvements, and bicycling improvements on the entire length of North and South Broadway from the municipal line at the Village of Upper Nyack to the municipal line at Village of South Nyack.

    The project will include bus shelters, concrete sidewalks, curbing, handicapped ramps, benches, street trees and bike racks. There will be an emphasis on sustainability in the design of the streetscape. The scope of the Project also includes an evaluation of the existing bike route on South Franklin Street, Artopee Way, Cedar Street, and Church Street. The Project will receive input from the business owners, residents, Village Board members and other stakeholders through the Steering Committee and Public Workshops.
    As of April 29, 2020 the Village of Nyack has received final approval on the construction plans from the NYSDOT.  The project has gone out to bid on May 15, 2020 and responses are due back and scheduled to be opened on June 17, 2020 at 11:30am.
    The goals and objectives for the project are as follows:
    • Provide pedestrian friendly and safe sidewalks and crossings
    • Enhancement of the business corridor
    • “Center piecing” of the major intersections
    • Softening of the streetscape to a more aesthetically pleasing with uniform features, providing sustainable features as applicable, and where possible improve rainwater runoff treatment and conveyance.
    • Evaluate and provide or enhance the existing benches, landscaping, bus shelters
    • Provide additional accommodations for bicyclists
    • Increased traffic flow with parking considerations