Nyack Tourism Grants

Nyack Tourism Grant Application 2025 – Round 4

October 4th, 2024

Dear Project Organizer: 

Thank you for your engagement to support Tourism in Nyack and your interest in the Nyack Tourism Grants (“NTGs”)! 

NTGs are funded from a tax on hotel room occupancy and awarded to applicants strictly to pay for media and PR buys to promote projects that attract people to visit Nyack, especially for overnight stays. Projects can be either individual events or experiences. Experiences are themes and programs which highlight special features and assets of Nyack such as “Outdoors”, “Foodie”, “History”, etc. throughout the year. 

Grant amounts are expected to range from $1,000 to $7,500. Grants for this round shall support projects scheduled between January 1, 2025, until December 31, 2025. There will be another grant round in May/June 2025 for projects between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026.  

Please see at the end of this letter a tally of all 28 grants of the last three rounds, totaling $96,850, with an average of about $3,500 per grant.  

Visit Nyack is a nonprofit organization that has the contract with the Village of Nyack to administer this grant program. Contact: Thomas Schneck, 914-213-2618, schneck.thomas@outlook.com. Visit Nyack’s role includes the actual procurement of media and PR buys on behalf of grant recipients, according to a media plan and budget you will develop in your application and with the support of Visit Nyack marketing professionals. Thus, you don’t need to be incorporated as a business or nonprofit or have a bank account and bookkeeper to participate in this grant program. 

Decisions regarding grant awards are made by the Village of Nyack Board of Trustees at a public meeting by majority vote, based on recommendations made by the Nyack Business Council, chaired by Mayor Joe Rand. 

Visit Nyack will help you complete an outstanding application and to present in front of the Nyack Business Council who will then review and score the applications and refer the strongest applications to the Village Board for final grant decisions.

Grant scoring criteria: The Nyack Business Council will score applications, and the Village Board will make grant awards according to the following criteria, favoring projects that: 

1. Increase revenues in the Nyack business community, especially hotels, shops, restaurants and personal services.

2. Increase overnight stays in the Village. 

3. Reflect the diversity of the Village, promote entrepreneurship and social inclusion. 

4. Leverage Village assets (walkable downtown, waterfront, parks, etc.).

5. Create repeatable and sustainable activities.

6. Involve cooperation of businesses and non-profits in the Village. Grants can be awarded for the promotion of new as well as for existing events and experiences. 

Deadlines and planned next steps:

October 4, 2024: Application will be released to the public.

October 4 – October 31, 2024: Application submission coaching period. You are encouraged to contact Visit Nyack (Thomas Schneck, 914-213-2618, schneck.thomas@outlook.com) to obtain early feedback on your project plan, budget and marketing approach.

November 1, 2024: Email Visit Nyack your preliminary project description, including your contact information, a brief description of your project and any partners you are working with.

November 29, 2024: Grant Application Deadline is 5 PM, via submission of completed NTG Application Form 2025 and Appendix A NTG Project Plan 2025 (both as PDFs) via email to schneck.thomas@outlook.com for Visit Nyack. 

December 12, 2024: Nyack Business Council to review and score applications.

January 11, 2025: Nyack Village Board vote on grant awards. 

February – December 2025: Project implementation. 

Good luck and thank you for your interest and investment to make Nyack an even more attractive tourist destination! 

Best regards, 

Andy Stewart
Village Administrator 

Nyack Tourism Grants Summary 2023-2025 Summary Presentation - Click here.  

In August 2023, January 2024 and July 2024, the Village Board of Trustees reviewed applications and approved grants for the following projects for a total of $96,850 based on recommendations from Visit Nyack and the Nyack Business Council:

Arts Rock, “Candlelight Concert Series,” $4,000 

The Wardrobe Archivist, “Thrifting Tour through Nyack,” $1,500 

Phoenix Theatre Ensemble, “Phoenix Festival,” $7,500 

Mark Mangan, “The Spirit of Nyack - Halloween Experience”, $2,000 

The Local, “Octoberfest,” $2,500 

Hotel Nyack, “The Experience Nyack Package,” $6,950 

Black Parakeetz, “Arts, Carafes & Cocktails Festival,” $1,000 

Rivertown Film, “Jonathan Demme Close-Up,” $1,400

Edward Hopper House, “Intimate Impressions: Nyack Plein Air Festival,” $5,000 

The Wardrobe Archivist, “Thrifting Tour through Nyack,” $4,500 

Nyack International Film Festival, “Nyack International Film Festival,” $7,000 

Rockland Fashion Week, “Fashion and Dogs on Broadway”, $6,000 

Maureen’s Jazz Cellar, “Dancing on the Streets,” $2,500 

Black Parakeetz, “Arts, Carafes & Cocktails Festival,” $5,000 

Joe G Food Tours, “Hudson Valley Foodie-scursion Weekends to Nyack,” $5,000

Elmwood Playhouse, “Uniting Artists in Nyack”, $1,500

Emotions Physical Theatre, “Rockland Cultural Dance Festival”, $2,000 

Hotel Nyack, “Tito Puente Jr. Concert”, $4,500 

Laura Graham, “Nyack Secondhand Shop Hop”, $1,500 

Lily Greenberg, “Nyack Writes – Literary Weekend” $4,000 

Long Path Outfitters, “The Hike Nyack Experience,” $4,000 

Maureen’s Jazz Cellar, “Nyack Jazz Festival,” $3,000

Music for Life, “Music for Life’s Night out”, $1,500

Nyack International Film Festival, “Nyack Drone & Phone Film Festival, Nyack SciFi Supernatural & Horror Film Festival”, $2,500

Phoenix Theatre Ensemble, “Phoenix Festival”, $4,500

Rockland Community College, “ALON Tour Operator Market Place”, $1,250

The Local, “Blocktoberfest”, $2,000

The Rock Shop, “Rockin’ Concert Series”, $2,750

Please click here for more information on the awarded grants.


  1. Appendix A - Excel version
  2. Appendix A - Sample
  3. NTG Application Form - Word Version
  4. NTG Application Sample
  5. NTG Presentation

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
9 N. Broadway
Nyack Village Hall

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm