Fall Paving to begin on Monday, November 14, 2022
Tilcon will be starting on the "south side" of the Village before moving over to High Ave and Main Street by mid-week. All construction dates are weather dependent and updates will be posted on the village website, Facebook and email newsletters.
Milling is scheduled for Monday 11.14.22, Tuesday 11.15.22 and Wednesday 11.16.22.
Paving will begin on Friday 11.18.22 and continue Monday 11.21.22 and Tuesday 11.22.22.
The following is a list of streets scheduled for paving:
- Prospect Street from Depew Ave to Cedar Hill Ave
- South Mill Street from Depew Ave to Cedar Hill Ave
- Hudson Ave from Broadway to Summit Street
- High Ave from Franklin Street to Broadway
- Main Street from Midland Ave to Franklin Street
For residents, a few simple requests:
- No leaf piles on the streets - please!
- All cars must be off the streets by 6am and out of driveways if needed. Access may be blocked at times and for hours after the paving.
- Trash will be collected on schedule, leave cans on the sidewalks or driveways - not in the roadway.
- Please follow the directions of traffic flaggers - do not attempt to drive around barricades or closed roads.
- Alternate side regulations will be lifted on side streets during construction for residents convenience - see parking map here.
- Village lots on Main Street will be available free of charge for residents displaced by the paving project.
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