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2019 It’s a Wrap! Welcome New Year 2020

It’s been a busy year at Village Hall! Here’s a short list of some projects that were completed this year:

Road Paving: The Village planned paving in conjunction with the capital water main project scheduled to begin in 2020. This year, the Village paved areas where there was no water main replacement scheduled. Over the next few years, paving will follow the roads where water main replacement takes place. NYSDOT CHIPS program provided funding for paving. The following street were repaved in July:

  • East Catherine Street (from Midland Ave to Main St.)
  • Third Avenue (from Franklin Ave to Broadway)
  • Burd Street (below Piermont Ave)

Sidewalk Work: Sidewalk replacement this year was made possible through the HUD CDBG program grants and Village funding.

  • Piermont Ave (American Legion) May 2019
  • First Ave - between Franklin Ave and Broadway on the south side of the street
  • Depew Ave - between Midland Ave and Route 9w

Raised Crosswalk on Depew Ave: This raised crosswalk, completed in the spring, improves safety for children and seniors using facilities on Depew Ave between Broadway and Franklin Ave. It was possible with funds from a HUD Community Development Block Grant.

Memorial Park Pedestrian Footbridge: Construction is currently underway. Scheduled to be completed in early 2020, this footbridge will connect the Village Marina to Memorial Park and is part of a continuous waterfront walkway planned for the Village.

And more to come in 2020!

Broadway Transportation Alternatives Project: The reconstruction of North and South Broadway is in the final design phase of the project. The project will replace sidewalks, curbing, street lighting and other amenities along the roadway from Cedar Hill Avenue to the northern border of Broadway. This is a $3.1 million project funded with grants totaling $2.32 million.

Pedestrian Safety Action Plan: Awarded in 2018, this NYSDOT project is currently in the design phase by contractors, GPI. This work will improve pedestrian safety at four intersections in the Village: Broadway & Main St; Broadway & Depew Ave; Midland Ave & Fifth Ave; Midland Ave & High Ave. Construction is expected in the first part of 2020.

Capital Water Project - A 10 million dollar project to replace water main infrastructure in some areas of the Village. Currently, this project is with the Rockland County Health Department for review and approval. Once approved, it will be put out to bid with construction expected to begin in the spring of 2020.

Safe Routes to School - A grant award of $4.3 million dollars will fund new concrete sidewalks, curbing, ADA ramps, LED Flashing pedestrian signs and trees in the southwest neighborhoods of the Village. Currently, this project is out to bid for design and construction services. A 2020 start for this project is anticipated.

New Projects & Grant Awards

With the assistance of a $401,000 grant from NYS Department of State, Nyack will improve public access to the waterfront area focusing on a Riverfront Pathway connecting Memorial Park to the new park planned for the waterfront south of the Nyack Boat Club property.

Upper Depew Avenue will be improved thanks to a grant of $150,000 from NYS Department of State. This roadway is scheduled for water main replacement in 2020, once that water work is completed, the road and sidewalks will be rebuilt.

Village Hall Holiday Schedule

New Year’s Day – Village Hall Offices & DPW closed Wed. Jan. 1, 2020


Mayor’s Monthly Meeting – January 7, 2020 9am

Mayor Hammond hosts an open forum for residents to discuss Nyack issues at Village Hall.


Join us on Saturday, January 4th, 2020 for the 4th Annual Resolution Run!

Check in begins at 8am at Grace Church in Nyack (130 First Ave) and we will be stepping off at 9am. The run starts at 9am and ends by 11am. The start will begin on First Avenue and Jefferson Street (by St. Ann's Church).

The route will then head east to Broadway and north on Broadway to Hook Mountain and loop back to the beginning. All Proceeds go to the ten non-profits in Nyack who serve people with food insecurities.

Find more information: NYACK HUNGER

Veteran Appreciation

Nyack is committed to honoring our Veterans and a number of projects completed this year show our appreciation:

Sidewalk reconstruction in front of the American Legion on Piermont Avenue

Expansion of the American Flags displayed throughout the Village from Memorial Day to Veterans Day

Restoration of Memorial Park historical plaques located on the monument steps

Military Tribute Banners planned for 2020 - visit the website for details.

You can contact us at (845) 358-0548, or visit

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