t Nyack E-News Updates - <h3>Nyack Summer Nights</h3>
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July 10: Next Summer Night Event

We're pleased to announce that the Village of Nyack, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, Nyack Mask Makers, Trade & Prosper, and Visit Nyack, will host our third Summer Night Event on Friday, July 10, 2020. Street closures will begin at 3:30pm and the event will conclude at 10:00pm. We hope to attract a great group of enthusiastic shoppers and diners.

Nyack: Safe Haven on the Hudson

It's important for all of us to remember that the pandemic is still ongoing. Our availability to host "Phase 3" activities is dependent on behaviors - the continuing vigilance of our businesses in following the safety requirements, as well as continuing compliance among our customers for social distancing and face covering.

As we've seen in other states, including neighboring New Jersey, the consequence of noncompliance is simple and swift - businesses will not be permitted to operate if protocols are not followed.

There is, however, good news. We've quickly learned from our first two events that people will respond responsibly to safety protocols, provided communications are clear in advance and on the day of the event.

Supporting our Safe Haven

With prior experience as a guide, the July 10 event will once again be supported with safety signage, and by volunteers from the Nyack Mask Makers and other community organizations who will distribute free masks, and help remind patrons to wear masks and follow social distancing rules.

Future Footprint, Future Dates

Details will be provided on the July 10 street closures shortly. We recognize that this aspect of the event is of prime importance.

Please understand that staffing and security costs for street closures are substantial. We are working with colleagues in the police department, fire departments and other community organizations to find the resources we need to increase the area covered so that more businesses can participate.

We are also working on establishing firm dates for the remainder of the summer and into the fall.


  • Please be sure to add your business to current listings of open businesses, contact the Chamber of Commerce info@nyackchamber.org
  • For concerns regarding the Summer Night Events - contact Scott Baird 845-821-4850 or Jim Politi, Village Administrator, 845-358-3581
  • Join the weekly Mayors Meeting Call on Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 4pm. Zoom details:

    Time: Jul 2, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2449108919
    Meeting ID: 244 910 8919
    One tap mobile
    +16465588656,,2449108919# US (New York) 13126266799,,2449108919# US

    Nyack Strong is Nyack Safe

Thank you to all for who continue to wear masks, follow social distancing and all protocols to help stop the spread COVID in our community. The Village of Nyack is proud to partner with our community organizations in support of our local businesses.

You can contact us at (845) 358-0548, or visit www.Nyack-NY.gov.

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