t Nyack E-News Updates - <h3>Nyack Counts 2020</h3>
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Nyack's counting on YOU to complete the Census!!

When you respond to the census, you help your community gets its fair share of the more than $675 billion per year in federal funds spent on schools, hospitals, roads, public works and other vital programs. Businesses use census data to decide where to build factories, offices and stores, and this creates jobs. Census statistics help determine the number of seats each state holds in Congress and how billions of dollars in federal funds will be allocated by state, local and federal lawmakers every year for the next 10 years. If you know someone who has not yet responded, please encourage them to do so today at 2020census.gov or by phone 1-844-330-2020

Meet YOU tonight on Main & Broadway smiley forecast is looking good!
Grab the family, friends & a mask!

You can contact us at (845) 358-0548, or visit www.Nyack-NY.gov.

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